Asset allocation. Stock and bond selection. Hand-picked investment opportunities. Our primary focus is helping you generate income and reduce risk. Every investment is hand-picked and thoroughly researched based on deep value investing principles. On a daily basis, T&T Capital Management is actively managing your positions to adjust accordingly, and helping to find new opportunities as they arise. We utilize our sophisticated investment and trading strategies such as covered calls and cash-secured in our commitment to constantly add value and help grow your portfolio.
Managed Investment Accounts
The bottom line is that your money should be working far harder than you are; no service exemplifies this as much as the T&T Capital Management managed account program. The bottom line is that your money should be working harder than you are. The T&T Capital Management Managed Account Program is intended to ensure that your wealth is actively growing, whether you are at the office or on the golf course. Align yourself with investment advisors you can trust.
Your Managed Investment Account
At T&T Capital Management, when it comes to your managed investment account, we focus on deep value investing principles – and on putting our clients’ best interests first for long-term investing. We’re inspired by the likes of Warren Buffett, Benjamin Graham, Martin Whitman, Bruce Berkowitz, Wilbur Ross, and Seth Klarman. In measuring the quality of an investment opportunity, we pay careful attention to key measures, such as return on invested capital, free cash flow generation, and leverage ratios.
We make strategic decisions with our stakeholders’ best interests in mind. Our team works with stocks, bonds, options, and all other securities. When taking equity in a company, we view ourselves as a partial owner of the business, remaining fully invested in the company’s success. This mindset allows us to be comfortable with the long-term perspective, since we focus on aligning ourselves with management structures that have their shareholders’ best interests in mind.
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We welcome you to set up a no-obligation, free conversation about your portfolio, your situation, your goals, and your retirement preparedness. Together, we can decide whether or not T&T Capital Management is the right firm to help take you forward into your financial future.